Conservative Councillors Matt Hartley and Roger Tester have shared an update for residents of Mottingham, Coldharbour and New Eltham ward about concerns over the future of Coldharbour Adventure Play Centre, in light of Greenwich Council's "review".
The review has been included - without much detail - in the Labour administration's Budget proposals for 2025/26 and beyond, which will be voted on in late Februrary or early March.
The Budget proposals include a "review" of all Adventure Play Centres across the borough, and make mention of c£800k investment, but also a £600k reduction in operating costs - leaving parents in the dark about what is being planned.
Five years ago the Council attempted to "co-locate" Coldharbour Adventure Play Centre (on The Course) with Coldharbour Library in the Leisure Centre - a move which was successfully stopped by two community petitions and campaigning from then-councillors Roger Tester, Matt Hartley and John Hills.
These latest proposals, however, include a clear statement that no libraries will close as a result of this Budget (although library opening hours could be curtailed).
The Budget will come under scrutiny from councillors, including Matt Hartley as Leader of the Opposition, on Thursday 30th January at an 'Overview & Scrutiny' meeting at the Town Hall.
Councillor Roger Tester, Conservative councillor for Mottingham, Coldharbour & New Eltham ward, said: "Five years ago we worked with local parents to fight the Council's attempt to move the Adventure Play Centre, which successfully defeated the proposals. We don't yet know what these latest proposals from the Council will mean for Coldharbour Adventure Play Centre specifically - as soon as we have more information we will let residents know.
"Needless to say, just like 5 year ago, Matt and I will fight ANY attempt to close, move or cut the Play Centre - which plays an absolutely crucial role on the estate."
Ward residents can follow Matt and Roger on Facebook for further updates at www.facebook.com/MCNwardteam