Greenwich Council this evening u-turned on its proposal to close Charlton's Maryon Wilson Animal Park, just minutes before a Council meeting which saw an 11,000-strong community petition handed in demanding a u-turn. Opposition Conservative councillors had announced they would hold a dedicated vote on withdrawing the closure proposal at next month's Budget debate - and at a packed public meeting called for the Council to show a 'spirit of collaboration' to find a long-term solution to secure the future of the Animal Park for the whole borough.
Councillor Matt Hartley, Leader of the Conservative Opposition on Greenwich Council, said:
“I am thrilled that everyone’s hard work in fighting this terrible proposal to close the Animal Park has paid off. Greenwich Council’s Labour leadership badly underestimated the affection our borough feels for this vital community asset. They need to learn from this episode, and work collaboratively with the community to secure the long-term future of the Animal Park - as they should have done in the first place. The Opposition Group of councillors will be making sure they follow through.”
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