Greenwich Council’s controversial Greenwich and Blackheath Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) have seen 7,000 drivers issues with fines, according to data requested by Conservative councillors. At January’s Council meeting Labour Cabinet Member Averil Lekau admitted the correct signage has still not yet been installed, and installation costs have surged from £220,000 to £300,000-£400,000.
Councillor Matt Hartley, who as Leader of the Opposition secured a delay in the commencements of fines after the scheme’s chaotic implementation before Christmas, raised the issue of boundary roads like Victoria Way and Blackheath Hill which have seen an enormously adverse impact.
Speaking after the meeting, Councillor Matt Hartley said: “We warned Labour councillors this would happen. It is crucial that the Council publishes ALL the data it is collecting on the impact of these LTNs online, so that residents can see for themselves the data that decisions on the future of the scheme will be made on.
“Frankly after the biased consultation the Council ran and the way Labour councillors have handled this whole process, there is zero trust out there in the community about this.
“Opposition Conservative councillors will continue to fight for residents who are paying the price for the Labour Council leadership’s refusal to listen to the community.”
Read the Daily Mail’s Robert Hardman’s special report on Labour’s Greenwich LTNs.
READ MORE on Greenwich Wire: More signs for Greenwich LTN as council admits it is ‘learning lessons’